Dedication of Large Narrow Horse   jozef sumichrast 2005



Large Narrow Horse

By Barbara Voegeli

Highland Park, Illinois 2017
Bronze large narrow horse
Your poor broken leg won’t heal
Steel horses gallop
Their wheels creating chaos
Yet you elicit a smile



The Large Narrow Horse

By Elizabeth van den Akker

Highland Park, Illinois 2017
The Large Narrow Horse stands still, a Sumichrast creation
Never to be seen in motion, this extended bronze mutation
While we miss and catch the Metra, in Ravinia he remains
His patina a deeper turquoise, with each passing of the trains
We must all then wonder why, was he gifted to this station?
He’s no ordinary statue this, but the artist crowned sensation
He hopes that will notice him, and release him from this place
He hates being left behind, by those leaving without a trace
Do befriend this loyal steed, indeed answers he won’t have many
For his wisdom is in the questions, and of those he has for plenty
Of the public art in town, the Large Narrow Horse is best
For his unusual beauty, we lay roses on his chest!



Positano, and the Amalfi Coast 2017





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